My attempt at making the 2008 Presidential Campaign a little easier for everyone starts here. This list summarizes where (top) Democratic and Republican candidates stand on key issues…
Clinton: Clinton wants to lower taxes for middle class families. She opposed Bush tax cuts and does not support the extension of them through 2010.
Obama: Obama's supports eliminating the marriage penalty. Wants to re-examine tax benefits for the top 1% of earners… His plan would give 150 million workers a $500 payroll tax credit, expand relief on mortgage interest, eliminate income taxes for seniors making less than $50,000, and simplify tax returns.
Huckabee: Supports the "Fair Tax" proposal, which would repeal income taxes. This plan would abolish the Internal Revenue Service and replace them with a national retail sales tax. Huckabee signed a pledge not to raise taxes if elected President.
McCain: Says he would sign the "Fair Tax" proposal into law. Again this would repeal income taxes and abolish the Internal Revenue (replacing it with a national retail sales tax).
Romney: Would eliminate estate taxes and the taxes on interest dividends and capital gains. He signed also signed a pledge not to raise taxes if elected President.
Clinton: Wants to immediately start withdrawing troops. She supports the identification of a high level UN official who would broker peace within Iraq. Clinton would also gather a group of key leaders to devise plans for non-interference, mediation, and reconstruction funding in Iraq.
Obama: Will immediately start bringing troops home (he has a goal of withdrawing all combat troops within 16 months). Obama supports a UN led dimplomatic reconciliation process, both within and around Iraq. His goals are to see Iraq’s borders secured, Al Qaeda isolated, and financial provisions made to help with reconstruction.
Huckabee: Disagress with setting a timetable for withdrawal. Says he will create a regional summit so that Iraq’s neighbors become militarily and financially committed to stabilizing Iraq.
McCain: Feels a greater military commitment is now necessary. He says we must “clear” problem areas and then remain in those areas long enough to insure they remain peaceful. McCain wants to use American forces to help give the Iraqi people the ability to govern themselves.
Romney: Supports current Bush plan of increasing the number of troops in Iraq.
Same Sex Marriage:
Clinton: Opposes same-sex marriage; Supports civil unions
Obama: Opposes same-sex marriage; Supports civil unions
Huckabee: Opposes same-sex marriage
McCain: Feels it is a state issue; Opposes constitutional ban of same-sex marriage
Romney: Opposes same-sex marriage; Opposes civil unions
Clinton: Says she will focus on securing borders and ensuring employers comply with immigration law (through use on a new, universal employer verification system). Opposes any type of a guest worker program that undermines minimum wages of US workers (meaning one where we are allowed to pay immigrants below minimum wage). At one point Hillary supported building a 700-mile fence along the US-Mexico border, but I am unsure as to whether or not she still endorses this idea.
Obama: Supports stronger enforcement on the border (better technology, more personnel, new infastructure). He feels we need to crack down on employers who hire illegal immigrants. Obama supports a system that allows (current) undocumented immigrants to identify themselves. If they are in good standing, they can pay a fine, learn English, and go to the back of the line for citizenship processing. Obama also promotes economic development in Mexico in order to decrease the attraction of illegal immigration into the US.
Huckabee: Says immigration is one of his top priorities. He supports stronger enforcement (better technology, more personnel, new infastructure). In his own words he says he will “take our country back for those who belong here.” Huckabee says no to open borders, amnesty, sanctuary cities, false Social Security numbers, and driver's licenses for illegal immigrants.
McCain: Would focus on border security, improved relationships with Mexico, and a stronger effort towards assimilating immigrants (which includes having them learn English, American history, and the values of a democratic society).
Romney: Will secure the border, implement an enforceable employer varification system and punish “sanctuary” cities. He regrets giving amnesty to anyone who has come to the country illegally. He wants to encourage legal immigration by streamlining the system to recruit and retain skilled workers.
Clinton: Will invest heavily in early childhood education. She wants to end the “unfunded” mandate of No Child Left Behind. Clinton says she will start a public/private summer internship program for K-12 grade education and focus on the recruiting and retention of teachers and principals (particularly in rural areas).
Obama: Supports a focus on early-care Education (zero-five years of age). He says he will dramatically expand Head Start. Obama wants to support schools that need improvement rather than punish them so he will put money behind No Child Let Behind, make science and math a national priority.
Huckabee: Places heavy importance on music and the arts because he thinks the future of our nation depends on the “creative generation.” He supports home schools, the creation of more charter schools, and public school choice. Huckabee feels states should be entitled to set their own benchmarks.
McCain: Interestingly enough, McCain does not have an Education agenda listed under “issues” on his official campaign website.
Romney: Doesn’t believe the federal government has the right to tell parents, teachers, kids and local authorities what to teach or how to run their schools. He believes everyone benefits from free (school) choice - that competition and choice in educational opportunities makes traditional public schools better. He supports performance based pay incentives for teachers and supports increasing our focus on subjects like science and math.
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7 years ago
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