Friday, October 17, 2008

Lots to report on Dustin’s GreenHouse…

We still have a few donation pledges to collect and a few bills to pay, but Dustin’s Tournament raised apx. $31,136.48. (Not quite as much as we made last year, but definitely a strong event!)

I have been working on the Globetrotter Program curriculum for the 2009 team. Nothing has been written in stone yet, but here is a sneak peak at some of the ideas we are tossing around:
- Team: An all-girls team (10-12 students and 5-6 adult leaders)
- Location: Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria
- Activities: Spend a couple days volunteering on a rural, organic farm. We will provide labor in exchange for food and accommodations. Spend a couple days living in a farming village where we learn to make tools, clothing and shoes by hand. We will visit schools and work with Romanian girls on their English skills. We will visit and volunteer at a monastery, We will attempt to learn local songs and dances so we can join the performance at a village festival. Volunteer with a Romanian orphanage, paying particular attention to supporting and mentoring a group of middle school-aged girls. We may pop over to Serbia and Blugaria (Again, all details are still in the “proposal” stage. I would love any ideas or suggestions you can share.)
- Themes: a Discovery of Self, Girl Talk (a focus on teenage communication), Ladylike Leadership, Sustainability and the Environment

Stay tuned for more details and the online nomination form.

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