I'm not doing too well with this whole vitamin thing... The goal was to take 9 pills a day (5 in the morning and 4 in the evening). So far I haven't been able to choke down all 5 of the morning pills in one day, much less start on the "pm" pack. Is it possible to have an extremely small throat hole??? I just swallowed pill number 3 (from yesterday's "am" pack) and I swear it is lodged in my esophagus and is slowly inching its way down. I need chewables (for grown people).
what about a multi-vitamin?
what are you taking?? i vote for a multi vitamin, too.
Definitely take them with food and I think it is easier to swallow them with a hot drink. Don't know why...
I have never been a viatmin taker. Even swallowing one pill for some reason is hard for me. But its just vitamins...I have no problem with medicine or advil...just vitamins!
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