Monday, April 14, 2008

Dance of the Decades

We threw back to the 70's this weekend at Greensboro's Dance of the Decades. As you will see, the costumes and company encouraged some quite hilarious moments...

When Mike saw Kevin Corcoran he was thoroughly disappointed he did not have a fro of his own! Sara, I can't say that I envied your hair in quite the same way... That piece looked hot and we definitely got a good laugh out of the blonde "roots" that kept emerging from underneath.

My JLG girls.

Do not be fooled, The Billings, Leslie and Melissa are in costume. I think 2007 was their year of choice...

Mike's blue bell-bottom pants were so tight I had to put his socks and (platform) shoes on; poor thing could not even bend over. (To my UVA friends, does this look remind you of anyone??? JJ Kasper maybe...)
P.S. I know my dress was extremely short. Please note that I do have shorts on underneath!

Sara had to keep close reign over her husband Joe. Let’s just say he was being pursued by another “partygoer.”

Subsequently, she turned to Krispy Kreme to solve her lover woes.

The guys had to tag-team Madam Billings… Even Presidents need a little rowdy behavior once in a while.

Can you see the joy in their eyes… Whoever said dressing up is for little girls?

1 comment:

Susan D. said...

Great pics, Ashlie! Too bad I was probably asleep an hour after we left dinner! We had so much fun that night. (Looks like you did too!)